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We recognise that the theme of this issue has come at a weird time. We started the curation of ‘These Four Walls’ back in October 2019, calling out for submissions around the theme ‘Spaces’, however, in light of the pandemic we had to have a think about how this affected our plans and theme. We felt like the conversations about Spaces were ‘ever-’changing but still very relevant to what was going on around us - seeing the shift to digital spaces and reflecting on how we left our physical spaces and the improvements that can be made. We hope that all the work that has been started to create truly safe spaces can continue once physical spaces start to re-open. The pieces have been constantly changing in time with the environment we are in, and it's been super interesting to see them develop.
These Four Walls includes pieces from: Kai Stone [Good Night Out] on safety and accessibility for D/deaf and disabled people in our nightlife. As well as Chloe French exploring Revolutionary Spaces in Leeds, such as Tongue N Teeth and Party Moms Society. Issue #4 also features interviews The OS Community, Technomate, Partisan Collective and many more!