About Us
This is a zine for those interested and involved in electronic music & the clubbing scene. Whether you're a wannabe DJ/Producer, already in the swing, or just love dance music, this one's for you. If you've ever felt alienated from getting into DJ'ing or producing, this is the perfect invitation. If you have experience and want to dive deeper, we've got you covered.
Gender inequality in dance music has been an ongoing conversation for some time now. Although there has been an increase in support for female-identifying/non-binary artists over the last few years, everybody knows that a huge gender gap still remains.
Issue 1, 2 & 3 are currently sold out! £5 copies of Issue 3 Misprints are available via the shop, 100% of sales go to Good Night Out Campaign.
Our 4th issue 'These Four Walls' is coming very soon - focusing in on the theme 'Spaces'; looking at a range of topics from club policies and security to accessibility of spaces and utilising our digital spaces during this worldwide pandemic.
Please get in touch if you are interested in collaborating - we are a small team of two, however, we are super keen to collaborate with other artists & designers! Hit us up at [email protected].